Upload your Work

Read the Guide here
Deadline: 4pm on Monday 22nd May

Part A: Your Details

If you aren’t on this list you will first need to submit your statement here and inform Emma (mahonye@staff.ncad.ie) that you are submitting late.

A link to a personal website or portfolio.

Include the full link include the http/https part.

Part B: Your Work

  • 10 images max.
  • Click 'Is Research' to highight research and development imagery. These images will be shown separate to your work on your page.
  • No spaces in image file name
  • JPG, PNG or GIF only
  • Use RGB images for best appearance on screen
  • 2000 pixels on the longest edge
  • Maximum 7MB per image
  • This image will be used as the thumbnail across the website.

    This image can NOT be a gif.

    It will also be used for a showreel of images displayed on the big screens around Dublin from 24-26 June.
