For this work, Mc Mullan explored aroma as a material of resonating communication, crafting sixteen blends of distillates, extracts, and infusions from materials found around Ireland, such as jasmine from Glasnevin, cedar from Sligo, fruit gums from a newsagents, and slurry from Meath - each chemically related to the aromas found in Chanel No 5.
The title, Perfumer's Organ, is a reference to the multi-tiered library of aromas at a perfumer's disposal. It is a locus of science and craft, where formulas are created, tested, and perfected. It is the last point before the brand capitalizes its exclusivity, reducing the perfume to a mere tool of attraction, diffusing luxury, status and taste.
The viewers are invited to walk upon the apparatus, activating the bellows below the parquet which diffuse aromas into the space. The resulting scentscape is formed by the participants' transversal movements across the zones.

Perfumer's Organ (2023) Aroma compounds and distillates of organic and synthetic materials, Oak, Pine, Canvas, 4.5m x 4.5m. Photo Credit: Ebba Radke





Breaking the Solution
