Sometimes, nostalgia can be both a blessing and a curse. It can remind us of fond memories but can also make us yearn for something that can never be recaptured.
I started researching what makes others nostalgic, as well as myself. My effort evolved into an investigation of my own psyche and childhood. I found that playing video games with my older brother made me the most nostalgic. So I decided to create a third person video game titled Kioku (Remembrance) solely based on my own childhood memories to explore the concepts of longing and letting go of the past.
Games are an excellent tool for telling stories. I find it quite remarkable how video games are able to employ interactive storytelling techniques, which foster a sense of immersion unparalleled in other media. The ability to make choices that impact the narrative and the world around me is an enthralling experience that adds a level of individuality to the story that is simply astounding.
The work you see here was created using Unreal Engine and Blender.


Title screen concept

Player character design (Eko)

Boss character design (Ishi)

Unreal Engine 4 character skeleton set-up

Unreal Engine 4 character blueprint example

Level 1 overview

In-game screenshot

Creating character animation (Blender)

Working on opening sequence (Blender)