My practice revolves around exploring urban space and urban living within modern working class Dublin. Through my work, I engage with communities, collaborate with individuals and work alongside groups to create work that responds to locals' experiences and emotions of their area. By working across a range of different mediums and materials, I seek to explore themes of power, community, connection and collective identity.
My current project works with local people from Ballymun to explore their relationship with the physical space of the town. The community of Ballymun offers an unique opportunity to explore these themes, the town exists now in a completely different form then how it once did. Demolition and regeneration has constantly changed the landscape for the past twenty five years. My work now seeks to explore the effects hasty decisions and radical changes to physical space can have on community and the individual.
I’d like to thank the people of Ballymun who contributed to this work, without you it would not have been possible.

BALLYMUN? is a collection of stories from the community of Ballymun. It tells a personal history of the area through sound and print

Installation of audio piece

Books made from conversational and written workshops around Ballymun

THEN The first section of the book looks back at what once made Ballymun

NOW conversations about community, connection, physicality and the reality of the town today

WHEN? The final section of both the audio piece and book looks at the empty promises left unfulfilled and what’s in store for the future of Ballymun