When was the last time you told a story? Until the mid 20th century, Irish storytelling was a primary form of entertainment throughout the country, but in the last few decades it has faded into obscurity. Irish myths and folktales are now considered to be only for children, and the books for adults on the market often retell the same few stories, barely scratching the surface of this ancient tradition.
Echtra is an Irish adventure myth, and this project is a journey through our relationship to our stories. Through illustrated zines, TLDR Irish Myths shines a light on the more obscure aspects of Irish mythology, while providing tools for budding storytellers to grow their craft.
My card game Fadó Fadó makes storytelling accessible as a communal, social activity, while my poster, video and performance campaign Guerilla Seanchaí brings Irish myths, legends and folktales to the streets of Dublin.

Guerilla Seanchaí, poster campaign

TLDR Irish Myths

TLDR Irish Myths, page spread

TLDR Irish Myths, page spread

Fadó Fadó

Fadó Fadó

Fadó Fadó

Guerilla Seanchaí, poster

Guerilla Seanchaí, poster

Guerilla Seanchaí, poster