Reconstructive memory, a fascinating thing,
How our minds can warp and bend and bring,
Fragments of the past back to the present,
And make us believe they're truly meant.
For memories are not fixed or clear,
But malleable and subject to fear,
To biases and influences and time,
And sometimes we forget what's really mine.
A scent, a sound, a glimpse of light,
Can trigger memories hidden from sight,
And suddenly we're transported back,
To a time we thought was lost and sacked.
But what we remember may not be true,
For our minds can play tricks on me and you,
And the past may be distorted and bent,
To fit our current thoughts and sentiment.
Reconstructive memory, a double-edged sword,
Can help us remember what we adored,
But also mislead us into thinking,
That what we recall is not worth linking.