This body of work entitled Mhaolú (cushion in Irish), is a service that supports major trauma patients in the transition from hospital to home. While the HSE is currently developing a network to aid those affected by major trauma, it doesn't address the move from rehabilitation to community care.
As a designer with a commitment on improving healthcare inside and outside medical settings, my project focuses on this transitional period. It has two elements- a mobile app and co-living spaces which is underpinned by my design ethos where healthcare is human-centered first and system-oriented after.
The mobile app helps patients to create and maintain an online support network. The co-living spaces involve a more supervised transition, encouraging patients' physical and social interactions. Through design strategies, it provides patients with a safe space to regain their confidence, adjust and find a new direction.

Mhaolú consists of both physical and digital elements

House model, the Brochure and Welcome Guide for patients

The Cloud Board and Name Board, house elements assisting the residents

The app features support the patients through their journey

Cloud Buddy variations

Service Requirements, a document helping with the service implementation

Map of the current system and how Mhaolú fits in

Service and Cloud Buddies development