Professor Sarah Glennie


Through this site you can explore the full breadth of work by our extraordinary graduates. We are exceptionally proud of the final-year and postgraduate students who are part of NCAD Works 2023, and in sharing their work with you we would like to pay tribute to them and the ways in which they have individually responded to the immense challenges that the last few years have posed. Their work stands as testament to the dedication, resilience and creativity that has inspired us all through some challenging years, and I know all my colleagues at NCAD are extremely proud of everything that they have achieved. 

Our students are fully engaged with the world beyond the NCAD campus and they continue to demonstrate their ambition and commitment to make work that has impact and meaning to us all in many different ways. The big challenges that face society can be traced across our graduates' work as they apply their creativity to bringing new solutions, critical thinking and reflection onto issues including sustainability, gender identity and equality, wellbeing, new technologies and our digital and material futures.  

An education at NCAD is the starting point for generations of bold and curious minds that have made an enormous contribution to society in many different ways. Experimentation in the studio, learning through doing, deep understanding of materials and processes, as well as the criticality that is embedded across all pathways, prepare graduates to thrive in and beyond the worlds of art and design. We cannot predict the kind of world our graduates will be working in, but we do know that the imagination, creativity and critical thinking they have gained during their time at NCAD will equip them to make an impact in whatever path they follow. We need thinkers and doers who are not afraid to ask questions, adapt and lead, and this generation of NCAD graduates’ creativity and resilience will benefit us all in years to come. 

So on behalf of An Bord and all my colleagues at NCAD – congratulations to all our graduating students, we are extremely proud of all that you have achieved and we look forward to following your creative journeys in the future.

NCAD Works 2023 Thomas St Campus

100 Thomas Street

9–16 June

Fri 9 June 10am–9pm
Sat 10 June 10am–5pm
Sun 11 June 10am–5pm
Mon 12 June 10am–8pm
Tue 13 June 10am–8pm
Wed 14 June 10am–8pm
Thu 15 June 10am–8pm
Fri 16 June 10am–6pm

Courses on show:

BA Fashion
BA Jewellery & Objects
BA Textile & Surface Design
Joint (Hons) Education Design or Fine Art
BA Graphic Design
BA Illustration
BA Moving Image Design
BA Interaction Design
BA Product Design
Applied Materials
Sculpture & Expanded Practice
MA Design for Body & Environment
MA Communication Design
MA Interaction Design


102–3 James’ Street
Map (PDF)

9–16 June

Fri 9 June 10am–9pm
Sat 10 June 10am–5pm
Sun 11 June 10am–5pm
Mon 12 June 10am–8pm
Tue 13 June 10am–8pm
Wed 14 June 10am–8pm
Thu 15 June 10am–8pm
Fri 16 June 10am–6pm

Courses on show:

MFA in Fine Art
MFA Art in the Contemporary World

NCAD Works Grace Gifford House

9–16 June

Fri 9 June 10am–9pm
Sat 10 June 10am–5pm
Sun 11 June 10am–5pm
Mon 12 June 10am–8pm
Tue 13 June 10am–8pm
Wed 14 June 10am–8pm
Thu 15 June 10am–8pm
Fri 16 June 10am–6pm

Courses on show:


Influenced by life's cycles and the space that exists between the choices we face and the decisions we make. Transition, growth, adaptation and both the physical and psychological shift that occurs when moving from one space to another are predominant themes. I use film and photography, drawing and sculpture to create abstracted images. Shadow and light as a form of expanded drawing are a recurring feature.

The often familiar but strange visuals are frequently depicted in an abstract monochromatic form. I am drawn to the qualities of handmade papers and enjoy working with unconventional materials. The beauty of imperfection.

My work explores duality and the juxtapositions of, reality and memory, stillness and movement. Addressing the universal desire to feel alive and to keep moving forward, rather than feel trapped or limited by our decisions and life choices.

I derive inspiration from the cinematography and aesthetic of Film Noir. Influenced by the tropes and motifs often used by filmmakers to create intrigue, tension and a sense of foreboding. Despite often looking to the past for primary research, my practice is informed by many contemporary female artists such as Rachel Whiteread, Aideen Barry and Alice Maher.

Life is rarely black and white and through my practice I want to explore what is hidden in those grey areas.

Sarah Louise Carter

staighre beo


"no words"
*no words*, video still

no words, video still

*dwell*, fabriano paper sculpture, silver threads

dwell, fabriano paper sculpture, silver threads

*cloíte*, photograph

cloíte, photograph

*faiteach*, fabriano paper sculpture, silver threads

faiteach, fabriano paper sculpture, silver threads

*untitled*, plaster, acrylics, cardboard, photographed in black & white

untitled, plaster, acrylics, cardboard, photographed in black & white

*ether*, triptych, charcoal on cotton rag

ether, triptych, charcoal on cotton rag

*POA* (triptych), gel pen on cotton rag

POA (triptych), gel pen on cotton rag

*untitled*, plaster, cardboard, photographed in black & white

untitled, plaster, cardboard, photographed in black & white

*faic*, charcoal on cotton rag

faic, charcoal on cotton rag

*grá na*, fabriano paper sculpture, silver threads

grá na, fabriano paper sculpture, silver threads