I Come Completely From The Mountains consists of two double-sided oil paintings that depict eternal scenes, multiple moments existing simultaneously. The installation forces the viewer to experience one side of the painting, whilst knowing there are collections of moments waiting to be seen on the other side.
Our modern conception of time was invented by humans as a tool to survive and keep track of our lives. The work finds its roots in the theory of relativity which perceives time as non-linear and merely an illusion, changing abruptly and developing in multiple directions at the same time.
The Icelandic landscape plays a significant role in the process, being that is where I am from. The figures in the painting co-exist with each other and alongside the flora, moss, basalt and other textures found in this rough environment. The work wishes to evoke an otherworldly yet familiar feeling in the viewer.

Eilífðar Stundir I, Side A, oil, acrylic and pencil on canvas (detail)

Eilífðar Stundir I, Side B, oil, acrylic and pencil on canvas (detail)

Eilífðar Stundir II, Side A, oil, acrylic and pencil on canvas (detail)